Gun Carry Policy for Visitors
Civilian firearm owners attending HuntEx must be compliant with the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000, (as amended) (“the Act”), including the regulations thereto. The HuntEx Organiser therefore expects all firearm owners who carry to first and foremost comply with the Act and its regulations at all times when attending the exhibition. Section 84 of the Act regulates the carrying of firearms in a public place.
Please familiarize yourself with the content of Section 84. Section 84 reads as follows:
- (1) No person may carry a firearm in a public place unless the firearm is carried –
- (a) In the case of a handgun –
(i) In a holster or similar holder designed, manufactured or adapted for the carrying of a handgun and attached to his or her person; or
(ii) In a rucksack or similar holder; or (b) In the case of any other firearm, in a holder designed, manufactured or adapted for the carrying of the firearm.
- (2) A Firearm contemplated in sub-section (1) must be completely covered and the person carrying the firearm must be able to exercise effective control over such firearm.
It is also expected of any person handling a firearm at the exhibition to do so in a safe manner, which will include, but not be limited to the following:
2.1 No handgun may be removed from its holster, unless it has been made safe first in the dedicated Gun Safety Zones;
2.2 Similarly any other firearm may not be removed from its container in any other place than the dedicated safety zones.
Failure to adhere to the aforesaid may result in remedial steps being taken against the owner of the specific firearm or the person who handled such firearm in an unsafe manner. This may include, but not be limited to a request by the HuntEx organiser that the specific person/s may be instructed to excuse themselves from the premises of the exhibition, criminal charges and civil claims.
Firearm and related exhibitors will assist in enforcing this policy. The policy’s main objective is to ensure the safety of each and every person attending HuntEx, including exhibitors-, HuntEx and subcontractor personnel.
Please be assured that the Organiser respects the rights of gun owners, including their right to carry firearms, but has to weigh it up against the constitutional rights of the community as a whole.
We depend on your co-operation to make HuntEx a success and free of any unfortunate incidents.